Achille Lauro Summer Fest

Achille Lauro
Achille Lauro Summer Fest
Achille Lauro announces his “Achille Lauro Summer Fest – A RAVE BEFORE THE ILIADE,” the new and glowing concert: a real Rave under the banner of inclusiveness open to everyone, artists, ravers, freaks, families and children.

Before the October tour-event in Milan, Cattolica has been chosen among the dates of this “Rave before the Iliad.”
Achille Lauro awaits you on August 14th in the Arena della Regina, a truly superlative Ferragosto’s Eve.
On Cattolica’s stage Achille Lauro is ready to embrace his audience and celebrate all the albums that have led him to transform himself, from trap icon to multifaceted artist capable of dismantling every stereotype.

Fresh from the success of “Ragazzi Madre – L’Iliade,” the docufilm that chronicles his artistic journey and after having been for months at the top of the charts with “Stupidi Ragazzi,” the latest single with an avant-garde sound that links electronic music and pop to an urban base, Achille Lauro this summer is finally ready to re-embrace his audience.

Achille Lauro, with his unmistakable identity, is today one of the most interesting figures on the Italian art scene.
From a protagonist of the street-urban world he has quickly become an icon, punk-rocker, pop star, capable of unhinging every gender stereotype.
A hymn to pansexual, no gender, fluid beyond male and female.
Always ready to renew himself, to move with agility between genres and eras.

Tickets available for Achille Lauro Summer Fest on TicketOne and at authorized retailers.

Data: 14 August 2024
Time: 9:00 p.m.
Address: Piazza della Repubblica
For a fee
Organized by: Comune di Cattolica, Pulp Live Concerti
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