Christmas in Cattolica

At Christmas Cattolica becomes the charmed Kingdom of the Ice Queen
In December a snow of stardust enchantment falls on Cattolica. Everything becomes frozen, fairy and dreamlike. It is the Ice Queen magical atmosphere, that comes back to town. Crispy air is all around, rich of mulled wine, hot chocolate, dried peanuts, honey and toasted pinots, all flavours up into our typical and local Christmas pie named “Miacetto”.

It is the fresh and cold Winter air that fulfill the party and announce the upcoming Christmas. The holidays celebration, is welcomed by City dressing up: Christmas lights and luminous installations are illuminating gracefully the whole town. The great tree in front of the City Hall is decorated for the traditional “Three Tours Under the Tree” and by the fountain in front of Palazzo Mancini, the Ice Queen statue emerges from the pool. The frozen forest grows in the gardens, where snow often falls and a cotton candy light breeze always blows. A great show in Piazzale Roosevelt will welcome the children and kick off the Ice Queen Luverie, the large food Christmas market, among sweets, delicacies and the scent of cinnamon, will give you the perfect break to spend with your family.

On December the 3th the whole city lights up for a unique event, full of magic, music and mobile shows along the city, a good start to a rich Month of entertainment until January 8th 2023. The activities are a lot, not only itinerant shows, but even a real Christmas Village, Concerts at the Theatre, Workshops for children at the Museum, the ferris wheel, Film reviews at the Snaporaz movie hall, Santa Claus and some very “special old ladies” called “Befane”. If what you love is to get lost through the Christmas fragrances, the lights, the red Wreath and the Mistletoe, browsing the stands, being delighted by Nutella chocolate crepes, after a ride on the Panoramic Wheel, watching the acrobats and admiring the Christmas light, while listening the sound of the sea behind… what more to say? Cattolica is always the perfect place to be including Christmas Time.

Data: Dal 3 dicembre all'8 gennaio 2023
Time: from 10:00
Address: Cattolica
Organized by: Comune di Cattolica